Monday, August 11, 2008


Shout out out out out = two drummers + four bass players + two samplers + five synthesizers + one vocoder. volatile dance music.

weeelll... that's what their myspace page says. Went down to Richard's last night to check them out. that myspace blurb makes 'em seem maybe a bit more unusual than they are, i think. I gotta admit though, I wasn't expecting too much - I've got a couple of their singles (check the mix) & my favorite tracks on both of them are the remixes. heard they made for a good party though & tickets were cheap so why not?

truth is though, they might have 2 drummers but no one mentioned their drum machine & that box it was the hardest working member of that band on Sunday, no shit. Sure, the crashes were huge, & the snares were bangin but i dunno, enough with the twirling drum sticks already, yeah?

It was a pretty good party though, all said. & i'll still keep playin em out in sets - especially the remixes...

on that note, check out the mix, something quick & dirty i ripped this afternoon - gotta keep the memories fresh, yeah? a whole bunch of shoutoutoutoutout (obviously), chromeo, a killer bumblebeez track, fourtet

Shoutoutoutoutout!!! mix:

Download (right-click): shoutoutoutoutout!!!.mp3

that's it, i'm out. mr_

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